The Autoimmune Protocol

The Autoimmune protocol is a variation the Paleo Diet. This diet focuses on removing the foods that contribute to autoimmune diseases. This diet is pretty restrictive, but after 30 days you can start to reintroduce some foods back into your diet. It allows you to see which foods you are sensitive to and are likely contributing to your leaky gut and autoimmune diseases.

What Foods Should Be Avoided on the Autoimmune Protocol?

  • Any foods that aren't allowed on the Paleo Diet such as grains, legumes, dairy, and processed foods.
  • Eggs (because they are highly allergenic).
  • All types of nuts (because they are highly allergenic).
  • All types of Seeds (because they are highly allergenic).
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika, potatoes, etc),
  • Food additives and non-nutritive sweeteners (even stevia and xylitol).
  • NSAIDS (such as Ibuprofen).
In addition to the foods that aren't allowed on the Paleo Diet, the foods listed above have been shown to contribute to autoimmune diseases. The reason for that is that they are highly allergenic and are known to cause leaky gut. Leaky gut is thought to be the cause of autoimmune diseases by holistic practitioners, so eliminating the cause of it can actually reverse your autoimmune diseases. Nightshades are an important type of food to exclude because they are notorious for aggravating autoimmune diseases.

So What Foods are Allowed on the Autoimmune Protocol?

  • All types of meats, especially grass-fed and pastured meats. Avoid any meats that contain added hormones or antibiotics.
  • All types of Seafood.
  • Healthy oils such as coconut and olive oils.
  • All types of fruits. Organic is highly recommended!
  • All types of vegetables (except for nightshades). Organic is highly recommended!
  • Fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut.
I know it seems like there isn't much left to eat, but don't worry it's only for 30 days! After the initial 30 day period slowly start adding the foods that are on the not allowed list back into your diet, one by one. Allow at least a week in between the reintroduction of each food. Since some reactions can be delayed, it's a good idea to take the reintroduction period very slowly. Once you figure out what foods are contributing to your autoimmune diseases, you will be on your way to managing your diseases more effectively!

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