Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Use Healing Stones to Enhance your Life

If you're an empath who tends to absorb the negative emotions and feelings of others, you should look into investing in healing stones. There's an enormous amount of healing stones to choose from, and each of them has their own unique set of properties. Healing stones are very affordable and can be easily purchased online.

What Types of Healing Stones Should I Invest in?

It can take a lot of research and experimentation to figure out which healing stones are right for you. There are certain classes of healing stones you should look for, which I will list below:

  • Healing stones that absorb negative energy. For empaths who are looking to prevent the absorption of negative energy from those around them, this is the most important type of stone for you to invest in. Good examples of this type of stone are: the Tiger's Eye and Crystal Quartz healing stones.
  • Healing stones that help to strengthen your intuition and/or psychic abilities. If you are working on enhancing your intuition and/or psychic abilities, then you might want to include this type of healing stone in your collection. A good example of this type of healing stone is the moonstone, which is by far the best type of healing stone for this purpose.
  • Healing stones that help with good luck. This is a good type of healing stone to include, because who wouldn't want to attract more good luck in their life? A good example of this type of stone is the Amber healing stone.
  • Healing stones that help with money. This is another type of healing stone you might want to include in your collection since this type of stone helps to attract money. The stone I recommend for this purpose is the Green Aventurine healing stone.
  • Healing stones that help with love. This is the last type of stone you should include in your collection. This type of healing stone either helps to attract love for those who are single, or enhance the relationships of those who are already taken. The best stone to achieve this is the Pink Quartz healing stone.

It is essential to know that this is just a guide. These are the healing stones that I have chosen for my collection, but you may find other stones that work better for you. My goal is to provide a starting point for the types of healing stones you should be looking for.

Properly Caring for your Healing Stones

I know you're probably wondering how much care could possibly be required for healing stones. Healing stones are actually alive in the sense that they have an active energy field. Just as people who are empaths have to meditate and ground themselves to release negative energy; healing stones absorb negative energy, and their energy fields must be cleared as well. This is called recharging your healing stones, and it should be done at a minimum of once a week. Below are several ways that you can achieve this:

  • Set your healing stones in either the sunlight or moonlight for at least 12 hours. If you choose to set your healing stones in the moonlight, a full moon is the absolute best time to do this. The moon is at it's most powerful recharging state when it's full!
  • Sit your healing stones in salt water for at least 12 hours, ideally in the sunlight. Saltwater has been known to recharge healing stones.
  • Smudge your healing stones with white sage. You can achieve this by lighting a small amount of white sage, and passing your healing stones through the smoke. Sage is excellent at removing negative energy not only in your home, but in the energy field of your healing stones as well!

Not only should you recharge your healing stones at least once a week, but any time you buy new stones as well! Also, make sure that you invest in a small pouch which will allow you to carry your healing stones discretely in your pocket. Another way to wear healing stones is in jewelry such as rings, earrings, and necklaces. I personally wear my healing stones both ways, but it depends on whether or not I want to be discreet

Utilizing healing stones is very important for people who are empaths. If you incorporate them into your daily life along with your meditation practice and grounding techniques, you will be able to block negative energy more effectively!

Photo Credit: energyhealingstonetherapy.com

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