Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Importance of Energizing your Chakras

The chakras are areas within our body which energy flows through. Blocked energy in any of the chakras has been known to contribute to illnesses, so it's important to keep the energy in our chakras flowing. Energizing the chakras can enhance your meditation practice even further, and take it to the next level. Spiritual enlightenment is also something that can be achieved while energizing the chakras.

The Seven Chakras

  1. The Root Chakra. This chakra is red and is located in the tailbone area. Blockage in this chakra can lead to financial issues.
  2. The Sacral Chakra. This chakra is orange and is located in the lower abdomen about 2 inches below the navel. Blockage in this chakra can affect your sense of well-being and sexuality.
  3. The Polar Plexus Chakra. This chakra is yellow and is located in the upper abdomen near the stomach. Blockage in this chakra can negatively affect your sense of self-confidence.
  4. The Heart Chakra. This chakra is green and is located in the center of the chest right above the heart. Blockage in this chakra can affect your ability to find love and joy.
  5. The Throat Chakra. This chakra is teal and is located in the throat. Blockage in this chakra can affect your ability to communicate.
  6. The Third Eye Chakra. This chakra is blue and is located on your forehead in between your eyes. Blockage in this chakra can affect your intuition and imagination.
  7. The Crown Chakra. This chakra is violet, and is located on your crown. Blockage in this chakra can affect your ability to connect with your spirituality.

How to Keep the Energy Flowing

Keeping the energy in your chakras flowing is essential to your well-being. There are several ways achieve this, which I will list below:

  • Releasing negative energy and thoughts. You cannot energize your chakras if you have negative energy that is lingering. Negative energy and thoughts can drain your energy, which can contribute to blockage of the chakras.
  • Meditating daily. If you are trying to energize your chakras it is essential to mediate daily. It doesn't matter what time of the day you choose to meditate, as long as you meditate every single day.
  • Visualizing the color of the chakra during your meditation practice. If you have a chakra you feel is blocked, visualizing its color during your meditation can help to lift the blockage. You can also choose to focus on one chakra to visualize per week, in order to keep all of them energized.

One should make sure that they already have a proficient meditation practice established before they attempt to energize the chakras. You must have that foundation to work with. Keeping your chakras energized and balanced helps to enhance your mediation practice even further, and reach a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. It will also help to keep your sense of happiness and well-being.



Photo Credit: www.jamerkel.com

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